Source code for inferno.extensions.containers.graph

from collections import OrderedDict
import sys
import threading
import multiprocessing as mp
import copy
import gc

import networkx as nx
from networkx import is_directed_acyclic_graph, topological_sort
from torch import nn as nn

from ...utils import python_utils as pyu
from ...utils.exceptions import assert_
from ..layers.device import OnDevice

__all__ = ['NNGraph', 'Graph']

[docs]class NNGraph(nx.DiGraph): """A NetworkX DiGraph, except that node and edge ordering matters.""" # We don't copy torch tensors, only to have them deleted. ATTRIBUTES_TO_NOT_COPY = {'payload'} node_dict_factory = OrderedDict adjlist_dict_factory = OrderedDict
[docs] def copy(self, **init_kwargs): new = type(self)(**init_kwargs) # Remove all attributes and copy only the graph structure for source, target in self.edges_iter(): # Add new nodes new.add_node(source) new.add_node(target) # Copy attributes new.node[source].update(copy.deepcopy({key: value for key, value in self.node[source].items() if key not in self.ATTRIBUTES_TO_NOT_COPY})) new.node[target].update(copy.deepcopy({key: value for key, value in self.node[target].items() if key not in self.ATTRIBUTES_TO_NOT_COPY})) # Add new edge new.add_edge(copy.deepcopy(source), copy.deepcopy(target)) old_edge_attributes = self[source][target] new_edge_attributes = {key: value for key, value in old_edge_attributes.items() if key not in self.ATTRIBUTES_TO_NOT_COPY} new_edge_attributes = copy.deepcopy(new_edge_attributes) new[source][target].update(new_edge_attributes) return new
class Identity(nn.Module): """A torch.nn.Module to do nothing.""" def forward(self, input): return input
[docs]class Graph(nn.Module): """ A graph structure to build networks with complex architectures. The resulting graph model can be used like any other `torch.nn.Module`. The graph structure used behind the scenes is a `networkx.DiGraph`. This internal graph is exposed by the `apply_on_graph` method, which can be used with any NetworkX function (e.g. for plotting with matplotlib or GraphViz). Examples -------- The naive inception module (without the max-pooling for simplicity) with ELU-layers of 64 units can be built as following, (assuming 64 input channels): >>> from inferno.extensions.layers.reshape import Concatenate >>> from inferno.extensions.layers.convolutional import ConvELU2D >>> import torch >>> from torch.autograd import Variable >>> # Build the model >>> inception_module = Graph() >>> inception_module.add_input_node('input') >>> inception_module.add_node('conv1x1', ConvELU2D(64, 64, 3), previous='input') >>> inception_module.add_node('conv3x3', ConvELU2D(64, 64, 3), previous='input') >>> inception_module.add_node('conv5x5', ConvELU2D(64, 64, 3), previous='input') >>> inception_module.add_node('cat', Concatenate(), >>> previous=['conv1x1', 'conv3x3', 'conv5x5']) >>> inception_module.add_output_node('output', 'cat') >>> # Build dummy variable >>> input = Variable(torch.rand(1, 64, 100, 100)) >>> # Get output >>> output = inception_module(input) """ def __init__(self, graph=None): """ Construct the graph object. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.DiGraph or NNGraph Graph to build the object from (optional). """ super(Graph, self).__init__() # Privates self._thread_to_graph_mapping = {} self._creator_thread = threading.get_ident() self._creator_pid = mp.current_process().pid # Publics if graph is not None: self.graph = graph else: self.graph = NNGraph() @property def graph(self): # `graph` needs to be different for every thread, because torch.nn.parallel.replicate does # not make a copy. graph = self._thread_to_graph_mapping.get(threading.get_ident()) if graph is None: creator_thread_graph = self._thread_to_graph_mapping.get(self._creator_thread) assert creator_thread_graph is not None graph = creator_thread_graph.copy() # We don't need to clear payloads because the copy method of NNGraph copies only the # graph structure and not the attributes self._thread_to_graph_mapping.update({threading.get_ident(): graph}) return graph @graph.setter def graph(self, value): assert_(isinstance(value, NNGraph), exception_type=TypeError) self._thread_to_graph_mapping.update({threading.get_ident(): value})
[docs] def is_node_in_graph(self, name): """ Checks whether a node is in the graph. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the node. Returns ------- bool """ return name in self.graph.node
[docs] def is_source_node(self, name): """ Checks whether a given node (by name) is a source node. A source node has no incoming edges. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the node. Returns ------- bool Raises ------ AssertionError if node is not found in the graph. """ assert self.is_node_in_graph(name) return self.graph.in_degree(name) == 0
[docs] def is_sink_node(self, name): """ Checks whether a given node (by name) is a sink node. A sink node has no outgoing edges. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the node. Returns ------- bool Raises ------ AssertionError if node is not found in the graph. """ assert self.is_node_in_graph(name) return self.graph.out_degree(name) == 0
@property def output_nodes(self): """ Gets a list of output nodes. The order is relevant and is the same as that in which the forward method returns its outputs. Returns ------- list A list of names (str) of the output nodes. """ return [name for name, node_attributes in self.graph.node.items() if node_attributes.get('is_output_node', False)] @property def input_nodes(self): """ Gets a list of input nodes. The order is relevant and is the same as that in which the forward method accepts its inputs. Returns ------- list A list of names (str) of the input nodes. """ return [name for name, node_attributes in self.graph.node.items() if node_attributes.get('is_input_node', False)] @property def graph_is_valid(self): """Checks if the graph is valid.""" # Check if the graph is a DAG is_dag = is_directed_acyclic_graph(self.graph) # Check if output nodes are sinks output_nodes_are_sinks = all([self.is_sink_node(name) for name in self.output_nodes]) # Check inf input nodes are sources input_nodes_are_sources = all([self.is_source_node(name) for name in self.input_nodes]) # TODO Check whether only input nodes are sources and only output nodes are sinks # Conclude is_valid = is_dag and output_nodes_are_sinks and input_nodes_are_sources return is_valid
[docs] def assert_graph_is_valid(self): """Asserts that the graph is valid.""" assert is_directed_acyclic_graph(self.graph), "Graph is not a DAG." for name in self.output_nodes: assert self.is_sink_node(name), "Output node {} is not a sink.".format(name) assert not self.is_source_node(name), "Output node {} is a source node. " \ "Make sure it's connected.".format(name) for name in self.input_nodes: assert self.is_source_node(name), "Input node {} is not a source.".format(name) assert not self.is_sink_node(name), "Input node {} is a sink node. " \ "Make sure it's connected.".format(name)
[docs] def add_node(self, name, module, previous=None): """ Add a node to the graph. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the node. Nodes are identified by their names. module : torch.nn.Module Torch module for this node. previous : str or list of str (List of) name(s) of the previous node(s). Returns ------- Graph self """ assert isinstance(module, nn.Module) self.add_module(name, module) self.graph.add_node(name) if previous is not None: for _previous in pyu.to_iterable(previous): self.add_edge(_previous, name) return self
[docs] def add_input_node(self, name): """ Add an input to the graph. The order in which input nodes are added is the order in which the forward method accepts its inputs. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the input node. Returns ------- Graph self """ self.add_module(name, Identity()) self.graph.add_node(name, is_input_node=True) return self
[docs] def add_output_node(self, name, previous=None): """ Add an output to the graph. The order in which output nodes are added is the order in which the forward method returns its outputs. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the output node. Returns ------- Graph self """ self.graph.add_node(name, is_output_node=True) if previous is not None: for _previous in pyu.to_iterable(previous): self.add_edge(_previous, name) return self
[docs] def add_edge(self, from_node, to_node): """ Add an edge between two nodes. Parameters ---------- from_node : str Name of the source node. to_node : str Name of the target node. Returns ------- Graph self Raises ------ AssertionError if either of the two nodes is not in the graph, or if the edge is not 'legal'. """ assert self.is_node_in_graph(from_node) assert self.is_node_in_graph(to_node) self.graph.add_edge(from_node, to_node) assert self.graph_is_valid return self
[docs] def apply_on_graph(self, function, *args, **kwargs): """Applies a `function` on the internal graph.""" return function(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_module_for_nodes(self, names): """ Gets the `torch.nn.Module` object for nodes corresponding to `names`. Parameters ---------- names : str or list of str Names of the nodes to fetch the modules of. Returns ------- list or torch.nn.Module Module or a list of modules corresponding to `names`. """ names = pyu.to_iterable(names) modules = [] for name in names: assert self.is_node_in_graph(name), "Node '{}' is not in graph.".format(name) module = getattr(self, name, None) assert module is not None, "Node '{}' is in the graph but could not find a module " \ "corresponding to it.".format(name) modules.append(module) return pyu.from_iterable(modules)
[docs] def to_device(self, names, target_device, device_ordinal=None, async=False): """Transfer nodes in the network to a specified device.""" names = pyu.to_iterable(names) for name in names: assert self.is_node_in_graph(name), "Node '{}' is not in graph.".format(name) module = getattr(self, name, None) assert module is not None, "Node '{}' is in the graph but could not find a module " \ "corresponding to it.".format(name) # Transfer module_on_device = OnDevice(module, target_device, device_ordinal=device_ordinal, async=async) setattr(self, name, module_on_device) return self
[docs] def get_parameters_for_nodes(self, names, named=False): """Get parameters of all nodes listed in `names`.""" if not named: parameters = (parameter for module in pyu.to_iterable(self.get_module_for_nodes(names)) for parameter in module.parameters()) else: parameters = ((name, parameter) for module in pyu.to_iterable(self.get_module_for_nodes(names)) for name, parameter in module.named_parameters()) return parameters
[docs] def clear_payloads(self, graph=None): graph = self.graph if graph is None else graph for source, target in graph.edges_iter(): if 'payload' in graph[source][target]: del graph[source][target]['payload']
[docs] def forward_through_node(self, name, input=None): # If input is a tuple/list, it will NOT be unpacked. # Make sure the node is in the graph if input is None: # Make sure the node is not a source node assert not self.is_source_node(name), \ "Node '{}' did not get an input but is a source node.".format(name) # Get input from payload incoming_edges = self.graph.in_edges(name) input = [] for incoming, this in incoming_edges: # Append to input input.append(self.graph[incoming][this]['payload']) # Clear reference for the garbage collector to do its thing del self.graph[incoming][this]['payload'] else: assert self.is_node_in_graph(name) # Convert input to list input = [input] # Get outputs try: outputs = pyu.to_iterable(getattr(self, name)(*input)) except Exception as e: input_spec_string = "\n".join(["--[{}]-{}-->[{}]".format(incoming, tuple(_input.size()), this) for (incoming, this), _input in zip(self.graph.in_edges(name), input)]) message = "In node '{}': {}\n" \ "Inputs to this node were:\n{}"\ .format(name, str(e), input_spec_string) raise type(e)(message).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) # Distribute outputs to outgoing payloads if required if not self.is_sink_node(name): outgoing_edges = self.graph.out_edges(name) if len(outputs) == 1: # Support for replication outputs *= len(outgoing_edges) # Make sure the number of outputs check out assert len(outputs) == len(outgoing_edges), \ "Number of outputs from the model ({}) does not match the number " \ "of out-edges ({}) in the graph for this node ('{}').".format(len(outputs), len(outgoing_edges), name) for (this, outgoing), output in zip(outgoing_edges, outputs): self.graph[this][outgoing].update({'payload': output}) # Collect garbage to free some GPU memory? del input gc.collect() # Return outputs return pyu.from_iterable(outputs)
[docs] def forward(self, *inputs): self.assert_graph_is_valid() input_nodes = self.input_nodes output_nodes = self.output_nodes assert len(inputs) == len(input_nodes), "Was expecting {} " \ "arguments for as many input nodes, got {}."\ .format(len(input_nodes), len(inputs)) # Unpack inputs to input nodes for input, input_node in zip(inputs, input_nodes): self.forward_through_node(input_node, input=input) # Toposort the graph toposorted = topological_sort(self.graph) # Remove all input and output nodes toposorted = [name for name in toposorted if name not in input_nodes and name not in output_nodes] # Since we'll be clearing payloads anyway, it makes no sense whatsoever # to evaluate sink nodes toposorted = [name for name in toposorted if not self.is_sink_node(name)] # Forward for node in toposorted: self.forward_through_node(node) # Read outputs from output nodes outputs = [] for output_node in output_nodes: # Get all incoming edges to output node outputs_from_node = [self.graph[incoming][this]['payload'] for incoming, this in self.graph.in_edges(output_node)] outputs.append(pyu.from_iterable(outputs_from_node)) # Clear payloads for next pass self.clear_payloads() # Done. return pyu.from_iterable(outputs)