Source code for inferno.extensions.criteria.core

import torch.nn as nn
from functools import reduce
from ...utils.exceptions import assert_, ShapeError, NotTorchModuleError

__all__ = ['Criteria', 'As2DCriterion']

[docs]class Criteria(nn.Module): """Aggregate multiple criteria to one.""" def __init__(self, *criteria): super(Criteria, self).__init__() if len(criteria) == 1 and isinstance(criteria[0], (list, tuple)): criteria = list(criteria[0]) else: criteria = list(criteria) # Validate criteria assert all([isinstance(criterion, nn.Module) for criterion in criteria]), \ "Criterion must be a torch module." self.criteria = criteria
[docs] def forward(self, prediction, target): assert isinstance(prediction, (list, tuple)), \ "`prediction` must be a list or a tuple, got {} instead."\ .format(type(prediction).__name__) assert isinstance(target, (list, tuple)), \ "`prediction` must be a list or a tuple, got {} instead." \ .format(type(target).__name__) assert len(prediction) == len(target), \ "Number of predictions must equal the number of targets. " \ "Got {} predictions but {} targets.".format(len(prediction), len(target)) # Compute losses losses = [criterion(prediction, target) for _prediction, _target, criterion in zip(prediction, target, self.criteria)] # Aggegate losses loss = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, losses) # Done return loss
[docs]class As2DCriterion(nn.Module): """ Makes a given criterion applicable on (N, C, H, W) prediction and (N, H, W) target tensors, if they're applicable to (N, C) prediction and (N,) target tensors . """ def __init__(self, criterion): super(As2DCriterion, self).__init__() assert_(isinstance(criterion, nn.Module), "Criterion must be a module, got a {} instead." .format(type(criterion).__name__), NotTorchModuleError) self.criterion = criterion
[docs] def forward(self, prediction, target): # Validate input assert_(prediction.dim() == 4, "`prediction` is expected to be a 4D tensor of shape " "(N, C, H, W), got a {}D " "tensor instead.".format(prediction.dim()), ShapeError) assert_(target.dim() == 3, "`target` is expected to be a 3D tensor of shape " "(N, H, W), got a {}D " "tensor instead.".format(target.dim()), ShapeError) # prediction is assumed to be NCHW, and target NHW. # this makes target (NHW,) target = target.contiguous().view(-1) # This makes prediction (N, H, W, C) --> (NHW, C) num_channels = prediction.size(1) prediction = prediction.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(-1, num_channels) # Now, the criterion should be applicable as is loss = self.criterion(prediction, target) return loss