Source code for inferno.extensions.metrics.categorical

import torch
from .base import Metric
from ...utils.torch_utils import flatten_samples, is_label_tensor
from ...utils.exceptions import assert_, DTypeError, ShapeError

[docs]class CategoricalError(Metric): """Categorical error.""" def __init__(self, aggregation_mode='mean'): assert aggregation_mode in ['mean', 'sum'] self.aggregation_mode = aggregation_mode
[docs] def forward(self, prediction, target): # Check if prediction is binary or not is_binary = len(prediction.size()) == 1 or prediction.size(1) == 1 if len(target.size()) > 1: target = target.squeeze(1) assert len(target.size()) == 1 if is_binary: # Binary classification prediction = prediction > 0.5 incorrect = prediction.type_as(target).ne(target).float() if self.aggregation_mode == 'mean': return incorrect.mean() else: return incorrect.sum() else: # Multiclass classificiation _, predicted_class = torch.max(prediction, 1) if predicted_class.dim() == prediction.dim(): # Support for Pytorch 0.1.12 predicted_class = predicted_class.squeeze(1) incorrect = predicted_class.type_as(target).ne(target).float() if self.aggregation_mode == 'mean': return incorrect.mean() else: return incorrect.sum()
[docs]class IOU(Metric): """Intersection over Union. """ def __init__(self, ignore_class=None, sharpen_prediction=False, eps=1e-6): super(IOU, self).__init__() self.eps = eps self.ignore_class = ignore_class self.sharpen_prediction = sharpen_prediction
[docs] def forward(self, prediction, target): # Assume that is one of: # prediction.shape = (N, C, H, W) # prediction.shape = (N, C, D, H, W) # prediction.shape = (N, C) # The corresponding target shapes are either: # target.shape = (N, H, W) # target.shape = (N, D, H, W) # target.shape = (N,) # Or: # target.shape = (N, C, H, W) # target.shape = (N, C, D, H, W) # target.shape = (N, C) # First, reshape prediction to (C, -1) flattened_prediction = flatten_samples(prediction) # Take measurements num_classes, num_samples = flattened_prediction.size() # We need to figure out if the target is a int label tensor or a onehot tensor. # The former always has one dimension less, so if target.dim() == (prediction.dim() - 1): # Labels, we need to go one hot # Make sure it's a label assert_(is_label_tensor(target), "Target must be a label tensor (of dtype long) if it has one " "dimension less than the prediction.", DTypeError) # Reshape target to (1, -1) for it to work with scatter flattened_target = target.view(1, -1) # Convert target to onehot with shape (C, -1) # Make sure the target is consistent assert_(target.max() < num_classes) onehot_targets = flattened_prediction \ .new(num_classes, num_samples) \ .zero_() \ .scatter_(0, flattened_target, 1) elif target.dim() == prediction.dim(): # Onehot, nothing to do except flatten onehot_targets = flatten_samples(target) else: raise ShapeError("Target must have the same number of dimensions as the " "prediction, or one less. Got target.dim() = {} but " "prediction.dim() = {}.".format(target.dim(), prediction.dim())) # Sharpen prediction if required to. Sharpening in this sense means to replace # the max predicted probability with 1. if self.sharpen_prediction: _, predicted_classes = torch.max(flattened_prediction, 0) # Case for pytorch 0.2, where predicted_classes is (N,) instead of (1, N) if predicted_classes.dim() == 1: predicted_classes = predicted_classes.view(1, -1) # Scatter flattened_prediction = flattened_prediction\ .new(num_classes, num_samples).zero_().scatter_(0, predicted_classes, 1) # Now to compute the IOU = (a * b).sum()/(a**2 + b**2 - a * b).sum() # We sum over all samples to obtain a classwise iou numerator = (flattened_prediction * onehot_targets).sum(-1) denominator = \ flattened_prediction.sub_(onehot_targets).pow_(2).clamp_(min=self.eps).sum(-1) + \ numerator classwise_iou = numerator.div_(denominator) # If we're ignoring a class, don't count its contribution to the mean if self.ignore_class is not None: ignore_class = self.ignore_class \ if self.ignore_class != -1 else onehot_targets.size(0) - 1 assert_(ignore_class < onehot_targets.size(0), "`ignore_class` = {} must be at least one less than the number " "of classes = {}.".format(ignore_class, onehot_targets.size(0)), ValueError) num_classes = onehot_targets.size(0) dont_ignore_class = list(range(num_classes)) dont_ignore_class.pop(ignore_class) if classwise_iou.is_cuda: dont_ignore_class = \ torch.LongTensor(dont_ignore_class).cuda(classwise_iou.get_device()) else: dont_ignore_class = torch.LongTensor(dont_ignore_class) iou = classwise_iou[dont_ignore_class].mean() else: iou = classwise_iou.mean() return iou
[docs]class NegativeIOU(IOU):
[docs] def forward(self, prediction, target): return -1 * super(NegativeIOU, self).forward(prediction, target)