Source code for

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation, binary_erosion
from skimage.exposure import adjust_gamma
from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter

from .base import Transform
from ...utils.exceptions import assert_, ShapeError

[docs]class PILImage2NumPyArray(Transform): """Convert a PIL Image object to a numpy array. For images with multiple channels (say RGB), the channel axis is moved to front. Therefore, a (100, 100, 3) RGB image becomes an array of shape (3, 100, 100). """
[docs] def tensor_function(self, tensor): tensor = np.asarray(tensor) if tensor.ndim == 3: # There's a channel axis - we move it to front tensor = np.moveaxis(tensor, source=-1, destination=0) elif tensor.ndim == 2: pass else: raise NotImplementedError("Expected tensor to be a 2D or 3D " "numpy array, got a {}D array instead." .format(tensor.ndim)) return tensor
[docs]class Scale(Transform): """Scales an image to a given size with spline interpolation of requested order. Unlike torchvision.transforms.Scale, this does not depend on PIL and therefore works with numpy arrays. If you do have a PIL image and wish to use this transform, consider applying `PILImage2NumPyArray` first. Warnings -------- This transform uses `scipy.ndimage.zoom` and requires scipy >= 0.13.0 to work correctly. """ def __init__(self, output_image_shape, interpolation_order=3, zoom_kwargs=None, **super_kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- output_image_shape : list or tuple or int Target size of the output image. Aspect ratio may not be preserved. interpolation_order : int Interpolation order for the spline interpolation. zoom_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for `scipy.ndimage.zoom`. super_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for the superclass. """ super(Scale, self).__init__(**super_kwargs) output_image_shape = (output_image_shape, output_image_shape) \ if isinstance(output_image_shape, int) else tuple(output_image_shape) assert_(len(output_image_shape) == 2, "`output_image_shape` must be an integer or a tuple of length 2.", ValueError) self.output_image_shape = output_image_shape self.interpolation_order = interpolation_order self.zoom_kwargs = {} if zoom_kwargs is None else dict(zoom_kwargs)
[docs] def image_function(self, image): source_height, source_width = image.shape target_height, target_width = self.output_image_shape # We're on Python 3 - take a deep breath and relax. zoom_height, zoom_width = (target_height / source_height), (target_width / source_width) with catch_warnings(): # Ignore warning that scipy should be > 0.13 (it's 0.19 these days) simplefilter('ignore') rescaled_image = zoom(image, (zoom_height, zoom_width), order=self.interpolation_order, **self.zoom_kwargs) # This should never happen assert_(rescaled_image.shape == (target_height, target_width), "Shape mismatch that shouldn't have happened if you were on scipy > 0.13.0. " "Are you on scipy > 0.13.0?", ShapeError) return rescaled_image
[docs]class RandomCrop(Transform): """Crop input to a given size. This is similar to torchvision.transforms.RandomCrop, except that it operates on numpy arrays instead of PIL images. If you do have a PIL image and wish to use this transform, consider applying `PILImage2NumPyArray` first. Warnings -------- If `output_image_shape` is larger than the image itself, the image is not cropped (along the relevant dimensions). """ def __init__(self, output_image_shape, **super_kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- output_image_shape : tuple or list or int Expected shape of the output image. Could be an integer, (say) 100, in which case it's interpreted as `(100, 100)`. Note that if the image shape along some (or all) dimension is smaller, say `(50, 200)`, the resulting output images will have the shape `(50, 100)`. super_kwargs : dict Keywords to the super class. """ super(RandomCrop, self).__init__(**super_kwargs) # Privates self._image_shape_cache = None # Publics output_image_shape = (output_image_shape, output_image_shape) \ if isinstance(output_image_shape, int) else tuple(output_image_shape) assert_(len(output_image_shape) == 2, "`output_image_shape` must be an integer or a tuple of length 2.", ValueError) self.output_image_shape = output_image_shape
[docs] def clear_random_variables(self): self._image_shape_cache = None super(RandomCrop, self).clear_random_variables()
[docs] def build_random_variables(self, height_leeway, width_leeway): self.set_random_variable('height_location', np.random.randint(low=0, high=height_leeway + 1)) self.set_random_variable('width_location', np.random.randint(low=0, high=width_leeway + 1))
[docs] def image_function(self, image): # Validate image shape if self._image_shape_cache is not None: assert_(self._image_shape_cache == image.shape, "RandomCrop works on multiple images simultaneously only " "if they have the same shape. Was expecting an image of " "shape {}, got one of shape {} instead." .format(self._image_shape_cache, image.shape), ShapeError) else: self._image_shape_cache = image.shape source_height, source_width = image.shape crop_height, crop_width = self.output_image_shape height_leeway = source_height - crop_height width_leeway = source_width - crop_width if height_leeway > 0: # Crop height height_location = self.get_random_variable('height_location', height_leeway=height_leeway, width_leeway=width_leeway) cropped = image[height_location:(height_location + crop_height), :] else: cropped = image if width_leeway > 0: # Crop width width_location = self.get_random_variable('width_location', height_leeway=height_leeway, width_leeway=width_leeway) cropped = cropped[:, width_location:(width_location + crop_width)] assert cropped.shape == self.output_image_shape, "Well, shit." return cropped
[docs]class RandomSizedCrop(Transform): """Extract a randomly sized crop from the image. The ratio of the sizes of the cropped and the original image can be limited within specified bounds along both axes. To resize back to a constant sized image, compose with `Scale`. """ def __init__(self, ratio_between=None, height_ratio_between=None, width_ratio_between=None, preserve_aspect_ratio=False, relative_target_aspect_ratio=None, **super_kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- ratio_between : tuple Specify the bounds between which to sample the crop ratio. This applies to both height and width if not overriden. Can be None if both height and width ratios are specified individually. height_ratio_between : tuple Specify the bounds between which to sample the vertical crop ratio. Can be None if `ratio_between` is not None. width_ratio_between : tuple Specify the bounds between which to sample the horizontal crop ratio. Can be None if `ratio_between` is not None. preserve_aspect_ratio : bool Whether to preserve aspect ratio. If both `height_ratio_between` and `width_ratio_between` are specified, the former is used if this is set to True. relative_target_aspect_ratio : float Specify the target aspect ratio (W x H) relative to the input image (i.e. by mapping the input image ratio to 1:1). For instance, if an image has the size 1024 (H) x 2048 (W), a relative target aspect ratio of 0.5 might yield images of size 1024 x 1024. Note that this only applies if `preserve_aspect_ratio` is set to False. super_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for the super class. """ super(RandomSizedCrop, self).__init__(**super_kwargs) # Privates self._image_shape_cache = None # Publics height_ratio_between = tuple(height_ratio_between) \ if height_ratio_between is not None else tuple(ratio_between) width_ratio_between = tuple(width_ratio_between) \ if width_ratio_between is not None else tuple(ratio_between) assert_(height_ratio_between is not None, "`height_ratio_between` is not specified.", ValueError) assert_(width_ratio_between is not None, "`width_ratio_between` is not specified.", ValueError) self.height_ratio_between = height_ratio_between self.width_ratio_between = width_ratio_between self.preserve_aspect_ratio = preserve_aspect_ratio self.relative_target_aspect_ratio = relative_target_aspect_ratio
[docs] def build_random_variables(self, image_shape): # Seed RNG np.random.seed() # Compute random variables source_height, source_width = image_shape height_ratio = np.random.uniform(low=self.height_ratio_between[0], high=self.height_ratio_between[1]) if self.preserve_aspect_ratio: width_ratio = height_ratio elif self.relative_target_aspect_ratio is not None: width_ratio = height_ratio * self.relative_target_aspect_ratio else: width_ratio = np.random.uniform(low=self.width_ratio_between[0], high=self.width_ratio_between[1]) crop_height = int(np.round(height_ratio * source_height)) crop_width = int(np.round(width_ratio * source_width)) height_leeway = source_height - crop_height width_leeway = source_width - crop_width # Set random variables if height_leeway > 0: self.set_random_variable('height_location', np.random.randint(low=0, high=height_leeway + 1)) if width_leeway > 0: self.set_random_variable('width_location', np.random.randint(low=0, high=width_leeway + 1)) self.set_random_variable('crop_height', crop_height) self.set_random_variable('crop_width', crop_width) self.set_random_variable('height_leeway', height_leeway) self.set_random_variable('width_leeway', width_leeway)
[docs] def image_function(self, image): # Validate image shape if self._image_shape_cache is not None: assert_(self._image_shape_cache == image.shape, "RandomCrop works on multiple images simultaneously only " "if they have the same shape. Was expecting an image of " "shape {}, got one of shape {} instead." .format(self._image_shape_cache, image.shape), ShapeError) else: self._image_shape_cache = image.shape height_leeway = self.get_random_variable('height_leeway', image_shape=image.shape) width_leeway = self.get_random_variable('width_leeway', image_shape=image.shape) if height_leeway > 0: height_location = self.get_random_variable('height_location', image_shape=image.shape) crop_height = self.get_random_variable('crop_height', image_shape=image.shape) cropped = image[height_location:(height_location + crop_height), :] else: cropped = image if width_leeway > 0: width_location = self.get_random_variable('width_location', image_shape=image.shape) crop_width = self.get_random_variable('crop_width', image_shape=image.shape) cropped = cropped[:, width_location:(width_location + crop_width)] return cropped
[docs]class RandomGammaCorrection(Transform): """Applies gamma correction [1] with a random gamma. This transform uses `skimage.exposure.adjust_gamma`, which requires the input be positive. References ---------- [1] """ def __init__(self, gamma_between=(0.5, 2.), gain=1, **super_kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- gamma_between : tuple or list Specifies the range within which to sample gamma (uniformly). gain : int or float The resulting gamma corrected image is multiplied by this `gain`. super_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for the superclass. """ super(RandomGammaCorrection, self).__init__(**super_kwargs) self.gamma_between = list(gamma_between) self.gain = gain
[docs] def build_random_variables(self): np.random.seed() self.set_random_variable('gamma', np.random.uniform(low=self.gamma_between[0], high=self.gamma_between[1]))
[docs] def image_function(self, image): gamma_adjusted = adjust_gamma(image, gamma=self.get_random_variable('gamma'), gain=self.gain) return gamma_adjusted
[docs]class ElasticTransform(Transform): """Random Elastic Transformation.""" NATIVE_DTYPES = {'float32', 'float64'} PREFERRED_DTYPE = 'float32' def __init__(self, alpha, sigma, order=1, invert=False, **super_kwargs): self._initial_dtype = None super(ElasticTransform, self).__init__(**super_kwargs) self.alpha = alpha self.sigma = sigma self.order = order self.invert = invert
[docs] def build_random_variables(self, **kwargs): # All this is done just once per batch (i.e. until `clear_random_variables` is called) np.random.seed() imshape = kwargs.get('imshape') # Build and scale random fields random_field_x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, imshape) * self.alpha random_field_y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, imshape) * self.alpha # Smooth random field (this has to be done just once per reset) sdx = gaussian_filter(random_field_x, self.sigma, mode='reflect') sdy = gaussian_filter(random_field_y, self.sigma, mode='reflect') # Make meshgrid x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(imshape[1]), np.arange(imshape[0])) # Make inversion coefficient _inverter = 1. if not self.invert else -1. # Distort meshgrid indices (invert if required) flow_y, flow_x = (y + _inverter * sdy).reshape(-1, 1), (x + _inverter * sdx).reshape(-1, 1) # Set random states self.set_random_variable('flow_x', flow_x) self.set_random_variable('flow_y', flow_y)
[docs] def cast(self, image): if image.dtype not in self.NATIVE_DTYPES: self._initial_dtype = image.dtype image = image.astype(self.PREFERRED_DTYPE) return image
[docs] def uncast(self, image): if self._initial_dtype is not None: image = image.astype(self._initial_dtype) self._initial_dtype = None return image
[docs] def image_function(self, image): # Cast image to one of the native dtypes (one which that is supported by scipy) image = self.cast(image) # Take measurements imshape = image.shape # Obtain flows flows = self.get_random_variable('flow_y', imshape=imshape), \ self.get_random_variable('flow_x', imshape=imshape) # Map cooordinates from image to distorted index set transformed_image = map_coordinates(image, flows, mode='reflect', order=self.order).reshape(imshape) # Uncast image to the original dtype transformed_image = self.uncast(transformed_image) return transformed_image
[docs]class AdditiveGaussianNoise(Transform): """Add gaussian noise to the input.""" def __init__(self, sigma, **super_kwargs): super(AdditiveGaussianNoise, self).__init__(**super_kwargs) self.sigma = sigma
[docs] def build_random_variables(self, **kwargs): np.random.seed() self.set_random_variable('noise', np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=self.sigma, size=kwargs.get('imshape')))
[docs] def image_function(self, image): image = image + self.get_random_variable('noise', imshape=image.shape) return image
[docs]class RandomRotate(Transform): """Random 90-degree rotations.""" def __init__(self, **super_kwargs): super(RandomRotate, self).__init__(**super_kwargs)
[docs] def build_random_variables(self, **kwargs): np.random.seed() self.set_random_variable('k', np.random.randint(0, 4))
[docs] def image_function(self, image): return np.rot90(image, k=self.get_random_variable('k'))
[docs]class RandomTranspose(Transform): """Random 2d transpose.""" def __init__(self, **super_kwargs): super(RandomTranspose, self).__init__(**super_kwargs)
[docs] def build_random_variables(self, **kwargs): np.random.seed() self.set_random_variable('do_transpose', np.random.uniform() > 0.5)
[docs] def image_function(self, image): if self.get_random_variable('do_transpose'): image = np.transpose(image) return image
[docs]class RandomFlip(Transform): """Random left-right or up-down flips.""" def __init__(self, allow_lr_flips=True, allow_ud_flips=True, **super_kwargs): super(RandomFlip, self).__init__(**super_kwargs) self.allow_lr_flips = allow_lr_flips self.allow_ud_flips = allow_ud_flips
[docs] def build_random_variables(self, **kwargs): np.random.seed() self.set_random_variable('flip_lr', np.random.uniform() > 0.5) self.set_random_variable('flip_ud', np.random.uniform() > 0.5)
[docs] def image_function(self, image): if self.allow_lr_flips and self.get_random_variable('flip_lr'): image = np.fliplr(image) if self.allow_ud_flips and self.get_random_variable('flip_ud'): image = np.flipud(image) return image
[docs]class CenterCrop(Transform): """ Crop patch of size `size` from the center of the image """ def __init__(self, size, **super_kwargs): super(CenterCrop, self).__init__(**super_kwargs) assert isinstance(size, (int, tuple)) self.size = (size, size) if isinstance(size, int) else size
[docs] def image_function(self, image): h, w = image.shape th, tw = self.size x1 = int(round((w - tw) / 2.)) y1 = int(round((h - th) / 2.)) return image[x1:x1 + tw, y1:y1 + th]
[docs]class BinaryMorphology(Transform): """ Apply a binary morphology operation on an image. Supported operations are dilation and erosion. """ def __init__(self, mode, num_iterations=1, morphology_kwargs=None, **super_kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- mode : {'dilate', 'erode'} Whether to dilate or erode. num_iterations : int Number of iterations to apply the operation for. morphology_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments to the morphology function (i.e. `scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion` or `scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion`) super_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to the superclass. """ super(BinaryMorphology, self).__init__(**super_kwargs) # Validate and assign mode assert_(mode in ['dilate', 'erode'], "Mode must be one of ['dilate', 'erode']. Got {} instead.".format(mode), ValueError) self.mode = mode self.num_iterations = num_iterations self.morphology_kwargs = {} if morphology_kwargs is None else dict(morphology_kwargs)
[docs] def image_function(self, image): if self.mode == 'dilate': transformed_image = binary_dilation(image, iterations=self.num_iterations, **self.morphology_kwargs) elif self.mode == 'erode': transformed_image = binary_erosion(image, iterations=self.num_iterations, **self.morphology_kwargs) else: raise ValueError # Cast transformed image to the right dtype and return return transformed_image.astype(image.dtype)
[docs]class BinaryDilation(BinaryMorphology): """Apply a binary dilation operation on an image.""" def __init__(self, num_iterations=1, morphology_kwargs=None, **super_kwargs): super(BinaryDilation, self).__init__(mode='dilate', num_iterations=num_iterations, morphology_kwargs=morphology_kwargs, **super_kwargs)
[docs]class BinaryErosion(BinaryMorphology): """Apply a binary erosion operation on an image.""" def __init__(self, num_iterations=1, morphology_kwargs=None, **super_kwargs): super(BinaryErosion, self).__init__(mode='erode', num_iterations=num_iterations, morphology_kwargs=morphology_kwargs, **super_kwargs)