Source code for

import numpy as np
from .base import Transform

[docs]class RandomFlip3D(Transform): def __init__(self, **super_kwargs): super(RandomFlip3D, self).__init__(**super_kwargs)
[docs] def build_random_variables(self, **kwargs): np.random.seed() self.set_random_variable('flip_lr', np.random.uniform() > 0.5) self.set_random_variable('flip_ud', np.random.uniform() > 0.5) self.set_random_variable('flip_z', np.random.uniform() > 0.5)
[docs] def volume_function(self, volume): if self.get_random_variable('flip_lr'): volume = volume[:, :, ::-1] if self.get_random_variable('flip_ud'): volume = volume[:, ::-1, :] if self.get_random_variable('flip_z'): volume = volume[::-1, :, :] return volume
[docs]class CentralSlice(Transform):
[docs] def volume_function(self, volume): half_z = volume.shape[0] // 2 return volume[half_z:half_z + 1, ...]
[docs]class VolumeCenterCrop(Transform): """ Crop patch of size `size` from the center of the volume """ def __init__(self, size, **super_kwargs): super(VolumeCrop, self).__init__(**super_kwargs) assert isinstance(size, (int, tuple)) self.size = (size, size, size) if isinstance(size, int) else size assert len(size) == 3
[docs] def volume_function(self, volume): h, w, d = volume.shape th, tw, td = self.size x1 = int(round((w - tw) / 2.)) y1 = int(round((h - th) / 2.)) z1 = int(round((d - td) / 2.)) return volume[x1:x1+tw, y1:y1+th, z1:z1+td]
[docs]class VolumeAsymmetricCrop(Transform): """ Crop `crop_left` from the left borders and `crop_right` from the right borders """ def __init__(self, crop_left, crop_right, **super_kwargs): super(VolumeAsymmetricCrop, self).__init__(**super_kwargs) assert isinstance(crop_left, (list, tuple)) assert isinstance(crop_right, (list, tuple)) assert len(crop_left) == 3 assert len(crop_right) == 3 self.crop_left = crop_left self.crop_right = crop_right
[docs] def volume_function(self, volume): x1, y1, z1 = self.crop_left x2, y2, z2 = (np.array(volume.shape) - np.array(self.crop_right)).astype('uint32') return volume[x1:x2, y1:y2, z1:z2]