Source code for inferno.trainers.callbacks.logging.tensorboard

    import tensorflow as tf
except ImportError:
    tf = None
    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO, BytesIO
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
    plt = None

import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import toimage

from .base import Logger
from ....utils import torch_utils as tu
from ....utils import python_utils as pyu
from ....utils import train_utils as tru
from ....utils.exceptions import assert_

[docs]class TensorboardLogger(Logger): """Class to enable logging of training progress to Tensorboard. Currently supports logging scalars and images. """ # Borrowed from and # def __init__(self, log_directory=None, log_scalars_every=None, log_images_every=None, send_image_at_batch_indices='all', send_image_at_channel_indices='all', send_volume_at_z_indices='mid'): """ Parameters ---------- log_directory : str Path to the directory where the log files will be placed. log_scalars_every : str or tuple or inferno.utils.train_utils.Frequency How often scalars should be logged to Tensorboard. By default, once every iteration. log_images_every : str or tuple or inferno.utils.train_utils.Frequency How often images should be logged to Tensorboard. By default, once every iteration. send_image_at_batch_indices : list or str The indices of the batches to be logged. An `image_batch` usually has the shape (num_samples, num_channels, num_rows, num_cols). By setting this argument to say [0, 2], only images corresponding to `image_batch[0]` and `image_batch[2]` are logged. When a str, it should be 'all', in which case, all samples are logged. send_image_at_channel_indices : list or str Similar to `send_image_at_batch_indices`, but applying to channels. send_volume_at_z_indices : list or str For 3D batches of shape (num_samples, num_channels, num_z_slices, num_rows, num_cols), select the indices of the z slices to be logged. When a str, it could be 'all' or 'mid' (to log the central z slice). Warnings -------- Leaving log_images_every to the default (i.e. once every iteration) might generate a large logfile and/or slow down the training. """ assert tf is not None assert plt is not None super(TensorboardLogger, self).__init__(log_directory=log_directory) self._log_scalars_every = None self._log_images_every = None self._writer = None self._config = {'image_batch_indices': send_image_at_batch_indices, 'image_channel_indices': send_image_at_channel_indices, 'volume_z_indices': send_volume_at_z_indices} # We ought to know the trainer states we're observing (and plotting to tensorboard). # These are the defaults. self._trainer_states_being_observed_while_training = {'training_loss', 'training_error', 'training_prediction', 'training_inputs', 'training_target', 'learning_rate'} self._trainer_states_being_observed_while_validating = {'validation_error_averaged', 'validation_loss_averaged'} if log_scalars_every is not None: self.log_scalars_every = log_scalars_every if log_images_every is not None: self.log_images_every = log_images_every @property def writer(self): if self._writer is None: self._writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.log_directory) return self._writer @property def log_scalars_every(self): if self._log_scalars_every is None: self._log_scalars_every = tru.Frequency(1, 'iterations') return self._log_scalars_every @log_scalars_every.setter def log_scalars_every(self, value): self._log_scalars_every = tru.Frequency.build_from(value) @property def log_scalars_now(self): # Using persistent=True in a property getter is probably not a very good idea... # We need to make sure that this getter is called only once per callback-call. return self.log_scalars_every.match(iteration_count=self.trainer.iteration_count, epoch_count=self.trainer.epoch_count, persistent=True) @property def log_images_every(self): if self._log_images_every is None: self._log_images_every = tru.Frequency(1, 'iterations') return self._log_images_every @log_images_every.setter def log_images_every(self, value): self._log_images_every = tru.Frequency.build_from(value) @property def log_images_now(self): # Using persistent=True in a property getter is probably not a very good idea... # We need to make sure that this getter is called only once per callback-call. return self.log_images_every.match(iteration_count=self.trainer.iteration_count, epoch_count=self.trainer.epoch_count, persistent=True)
[docs] def observe_state(self, key, observe_while='training'): # Validate arguments keyword_mapping = {'train': 'training', 'training': 'training', 'validation': 'validating', 'validating': 'validating'} observe_while = keyword_mapping.get(observe_while) assert_(observe_while is not None, "The keyword observe_while must be one of: {}." .format(set(keyword_mapping.keys())), ValueError) assert_(isinstance(key, str), "State key must be a string, got {} instead.".format(type(key).__name__), TypeError) # Add to set of observed states if observe_while == 'training': self._trainer_states_being_observed_while_training.add(key) elif observe_while == 'validating': self._trainer_states_being_observed_while_validating.add(key) else: raise NotImplementedError return self
[docs] def observe_training_and_validation_state(self, key): for mode in ['training', 'validation']: self.observe_state('{}_{}'.format(mode, key), observe_while=mode)
[docs] def observe_states(self, keys, observe_while='training'): for key in keys: self.observe_state(key, observe_while=observe_while) return self
[docs] def observe_training_and_validation_states(self, keys): for key in keys: self.observe_training_and_validation_state(key) return self
[docs] def log_object(self, tag, object_, allow_scalar_logging=True, allow_image_logging=True): assert isinstance(tag, str) if isinstance(object_, (list, tuple)): for object_num, _object in enumerate(object_): self.log_object("{}_{}".format(tag, object_num), _object, allow_scalar_logging, allow_image_logging) return # Check whether object is a scalar if tu.is_scalar_tensor(object_) and allow_scalar_logging: # Log scalar value = object_.float()[0] self.log_scalar(tag, value, step=self.trainer.iteration_count) elif isinstance(object_, (float, int)) and allow_scalar_logging: value = float(object_) self.log_scalar(tag, value, step=self.trainer.iteration_count) elif tu.is_label_image_or_volume_tensor(object_) and allow_image_logging: # Add a channel axis and log as images self.log_image_or_volume_batch(tag, object_[:, None, ...], self.trainer.iteration_count) elif tu.is_image_or_volume_tensor(object_) and allow_image_logging: # Log images self.log_image_or_volume_batch(tag, object_, self.trainer.iteration_count) else: # Object is neither a scalar nor an image, there's nothing we can do pass
[docs] def end_of_training_iteration(self, **_): log_scalars_now = self.log_scalars_now log_images_now = self.log_images_now if not log_scalars_now and not log_images_now: # Nothing to log, so we won't bother return # Read states for state_key in self._trainer_states_being_observed_while_training: state = self.trainer.get_state(state_key, default=None) if state is None: # State not found in trainer but don't throw a hissy fit continue self.log_object(state_key, state, allow_scalar_logging=log_scalars_now, allow_image_logging=log_images_now)
[docs] def end_of_validation_run(self, **_): # Log everything # Read states for state_key in self._trainer_states_being_observed_while_validating: state = self.trainer.get_state(state_key, default=None) if state is None: # State not found in trainer but don't throw a hissy fit continue self.log_object(state_key, state, allow_scalar_logging=True, allow_image_logging=True)
[docs] def extract_images_from_batch(self, batch): # Special case when batch is a list or tuple of batches if isinstance(batch, (list, tuple)): image_list = [] for _batch in batch: image_list.extend(self.extract_images_from_batch(_batch)) return image_list # `batch` really is a tensor from now on. batch_is_image_tensor = tu.is_image_tensor(batch) batch_is_volume_tensor = tu.is_volume_tensor(batch) assert batch_is_volume_tensor != batch_is_image_tensor, \ "Batch must either be a image or a volume tensor." # Convert to numpy batch = batch.float().numpy() # Get the indices of the batches we want to send to tensorboard batch_indices = self._config.get('image_batch_indices', 'all') if batch_indices == 'all': batch_indices = list(range(batch.shape[0])) elif isinstance(batch_indices, (list, tuple)): pass elif isinstance(batch_indices, int): batch_indices = [batch_indices] else: raise NotImplementedError # Get the indices of the channels we want to send to tensorboard channel_indices = self._config.get('image_channel_indices', 'all') if channel_indices == 'all': channel_indices = list(range(batch.shape[1])) elif isinstance(channel_indices, (list, tuple)): pass elif isinstance(channel_indices, int): channel_indices = [channel_indices] else: raise NotImplementedError # Extract images from batch if batch_is_image_tensor: image_list = [image for instance_num, instance in enumerate(batch) for channel_num, image in enumerate(instance) if instance_num in batch_indices and channel_num in channel_indices] else: assert batch_is_volume_tensor # Trim away along the z axis z_indices = self._config.get('volume_z_indices', 'mid') if z_indices == 'all': z_indices = list(range(batch.shape[2])) elif z_indices == 'mid': z_indices = [batch.shape[2] // 2] elif isinstance(z_indices, (list, tuple)): pass elif isinstance(z_indices, int): z_indices = [z_indices] else: raise NotImplementedError # I'm going to hell for this. image_list = [image for instance_num, instance in enumerate(batch) for channel_num, volume in enumerate(instance) for slice_num, image in enumerate(volume) if instance_num in batch_indices and channel_num in channel_indices and slice_num in z_indices] # Done. return image_list
[docs] def log_image_or_volume_batch(self, tag, batch, step=None): assert pyu.is_maybe_list_of(tu.is_image_or_volume_tensor)(batch) step = step or self.trainer.iteration_count image_list = self.extract_images_from_batch(batch) self.log_images(tag, image_list, step)
[docs] def log_scalar(self, tag, value, step): """ Parameter ---------- tag : basestring Name of the scalar value step : int training iteration """ summary = tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag=tag, simple_value=value)]) self.writer.add_summary(summary, step)
[docs] def log_images(self, tag, images, step): """Logs a list of images.""" image_summaries = [] for image_num, image in enumerate(images): # Write the image to a string try: # Python 2.7 s = StringIO() toimage(image).save(s, format="png") except TypeError: # Python 3.X s = BytesIO() toimage(image).save(s, format="png") # Create an Image object img_sum = tf.Summary.Image(encoded_image_string=s.getvalue(), height=image.shape[0], width=image.shape[1]) # Create a Summary value image_summaries.append(tf.Summary.Value(tag='%s/%d' % (tag, image_num), image=img_sum)) # Create and write Summary summary = tf.Summary(value=image_summaries) self.writer.add_summary(summary, step)
[docs] def log_histogram(self, tag, values, step, bins=1000): """Logs the histogram of a list/vector of values.""" # Create histogram using numpy counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(values, bins=bins) # Fill fields of histogram proto hist = tf.HistogramProto() hist.min = float(np.min(values)) hist.max = float(np.max(values)) hist.num = int( hist.sum = float(np.sum(values)) hist.sum_squares = float(np.sum(values**2)) # Requires equal number as bins, where the first goes from -DBL_MAX to bin_edges[1] # See # Thus, we drop the start of the first bin bin_edges = bin_edges[1:] # Add bin edges and counts for edge in bin_edges: hist.bucket_limit.append(edge) for c in counts: hist.bucket.append(c) # Create and write Summary summary = tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag=tag, histo=hist)]) self.writer.add_summary(summary, step) self.writer.flush()
[docs] def get_config(self): # Apparently, some SwigPyObject objects cannot be pickled - so we need to build the # writer on the fly. config = super(TensorboardLogger, self).get_config() config.update({'_writer': None}) return config