Source code for inferno.utils.train_utils

"""Utilities for training."""
import numpy as np
from .exceptions import assert_, FrequencyTypeError, FrequencyValueError

[docs]class AverageMeter(object): """ Computes and stores the average and current value. Taken from """ def __init__(self): self.val = 0 self.avg = 0 self.sum = 0 self.count = 0
[docs] def reset(self): self.val = 0 self.avg = 0 self.sum = 0 self.count = 0
[docs] def update(self, val, n=1): self.val = val self.sum += val * n self.count += n self.avg = self.sum / self.count
[docs]class MovingAverage(object): """Computes the moving average of a given float.""" def __init__(self, momentum=0): self.momentum = momentum self.val = None self.previous = None
[docs] def reset(self): self.val = None
[docs] def update(self, val): self.previous = self.val if self.val is None: self.val = val else: self.val = self.momentum * self.val + (1 - self.momentum) * val return self.val
@property def relative_change(self): if None not in [self.val, self.previous]: relative_change = (self.previous - self.val) / self.previous return relative_change else: return None
[docs]class CLUI(object): """Command Line User Interface""" def __call__(self, f): def decorated(cls, *args, **kwargs): try: f(cls, *args, **kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: options_ = input("[!] Interrupted. Please select:\n" "[w] Save\n" "[d] Debug with PDB\n" "[q] Quit\n" "[c] Continue\n" "[?] >>> ") save_now = 'w' in options_ quit_now = 'q' in options_ debug_now = 'd' in options_ continue_now = 'c' in options_ or not quit_now if save_now: if debug_now: print("[*] Firing up PDB. The trainer instance might be accessible as 'cls'.") import pdb pdb.set_trace() if quit_now: cls.print("Exiting.") raise SystemExit if continue_now: return return decorated
[docs]class Frequency(object): def __init__(self, value=None, units=None): # Private self._last_match_value = None self._value = None self._units = None # Public self.value = value self.units = units @property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): # If value is not being set, make sure the frequency never matches muhahaha if value is None: value = np.inf self.assert_value_consistent(value) self._value = value UNIT_PRIORITY = 'iterations' VALID_UNIT_NAME_MAPPING = {'iterations': 'iterations', 'iteration': 'iterations', 'epochs': 'epochs', 'epoch': 'epochs'} @property def units(self): return self._units @units.setter def units(self, value): if value is None: value = self.UNIT_PRIORITY self.assert_units_consistent(value) self._units = self.VALID_UNIT_NAME_MAPPING.get(value)
[docs] def assert_value_consistent(self, value=None): value = value or self.value # Make sure that value is an integer or inf assert_(isinstance(value, (int, float)), "Value must be an integer or np.inf, got {} instead." .format(type(value).__name__), FrequencyTypeError) if isinstance(value, float): assert_(value == np.inf, "Provided value must be numpy.inf if a float, got {}.".format(value), FrequencyValueError)
[docs] def assert_units_consistent(self, units=None): units = units or self.units # Map units = self.VALID_UNIT_NAME_MAPPING.get(units) assert_(units is not None, "Unit '{}' not understood.".format(units), FrequencyValueError)
@property def is_consistent(self): try: self.assert_value_consistent() self.assert_units_consistent() return True except (FrequencyValueError, FrequencyTypeError): return False
[docs] def epoch(self): self.units = 'epochs' return self
[docs] def iteration(self): self.units = 'iterations' return self
@property def by_epoch(self): return self.units == 'epochs' @property def by_iteration(self): return self.units == 'iterations'
[docs] def every(self, value): self.value = value return self
[docs] def match(self, iteration_count=None, epoch_count=None, persistent=False, match_zero=True): match_value = {'iterations': iteration_count, 'epochs': epoch_count}.get(self.units) if not match_zero and match_value == 0: match = False else: match = match_value is not None and \ self.value != np.inf and \ match_value % self.value == 0 if persistent and match and self._last_match_value == match_value: # Last matched value is the current matched value, i.e. we've matched once already, # and don't need to match again match = False if match: # Record current match value as the last known match value to maintain persistency self._last_match_value = match_value return match
def __str__(self): return "{} {}".format(self.value, self.units) def __repr__(self): return "{}(value={}, units={})".format(type(self).__name__, self.value, self.units)
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, string): assert_(isinstance(string, str), "`string` must be a string, got {} instead." .format(type(string).__name__), TypeError) if string == 'never': return cls(np.inf, 'iterations') else: value_and_unit = string.split(' ') assert_(len(value_and_unit) == 2, "Was expecting a string 'value units' with one white-space " "between 'value' and 'units'.", ValueError) value, unit = value_and_unit value = np.inf if value == 'inf' else int(value) return cls(value, unit)
[docs] @classmethod def build_from(cls, args, priority='iterations'): if isinstance(args, int): return cls(args, priority) elif isinstance(args, (tuple, list)): return cls(*args) elif isinstance(args, Frequency): return args elif isinstance(args, str): return cls.from_string(args) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Duration(Frequency): """Like frequency, but measures a duration."""
[docs] def match(self, iteration_count=None, epoch_count=None, when_equal_return=False, **_): match_value = {'iterations': iteration_count, 'epochs': epoch_count}.get(self.units) assert_(match_value is not None, "Could not match duration because {} is not known.".format(self.units), ValueError) if match_value == self.value: return when_equal_return return match_value > self.value
[docs] def compare(self, iteration_count=None, epoch_count=None): compare_value = {'iterations': iteration_count, 'epochs': epoch_count}.get(self.units) assert_(compare_value is not None, "Could not match duration because {} is not known.".format(self.units), ValueError) compared = {'iterations': None, 'epochs': None} compared.update({self.units: self.value - compare_value}) return compared
def __sub__(self, other): assert_(isinstance(other, Duration), "Object of type {} cannot be subtracted from " "a Duration object.".format(type(other)), TypeError) assert_(other.units == self.units, "The Duration objects being subtracted must have the same units.", ValueError) return Duration(value=(self.value - other.value), units=self.units)
[docs]class NoLogger(object): def __init__(self, logdir=None): self.logdir = logdir
[docs] def log_value(self, *kwargs): pass
[docs]def set_state(module, key, value): """Writes `key`-`value` pair to `module`'s state hook.""" if hasattr(module, '_state_hooks'): state_hooks = getattr(module, '_state_hooks') assert isinstance(state_hooks, dict), \ "State hook (i.e. module._state_hooks) is not a dictionary." state_hooks.update({key: value}) else: setattr(module, '_state_hooks', {key: value}) return module
[docs]def get_state(module, key, default=None): """Gets key from `module`'s state hooks.""" return getattr(module, '_state_hooks', {}).get(key, default)