Source code for

import numpy as np
import os

from ..core.base import SyncableDataset
from ..core.base import IndexSpec
from . import volumetric_utils as vu
from ...utils import io_utils as iou
from ...utils import python_utils as pyu

[docs]class VolumeLoader(SyncableDataset): def __init__(self, volume, window_size, stride, downsampling_ratio=None, padding=None, padding_mode='reflect', transforms=None, return_index_spec=False, name=None): super(VolumeLoader, self).__init__() # Validate volume assert isinstance(volume, np.ndarray) # Validate window size and stride assert len(window_size) == volume.ndim assert len(stride) == volume.ndim # Validate transforms assert transforms is None or callable(transforms) = name self.return_index_spec = return_index_spec self.volume = volume self.window_size = window_size self.stride = stride self.padding_mode = padding_mode self.transforms = transforms # DataloaderIter should do the shuffling self.shuffle = False if downsampling_ratio is None: self.downsampling_ratio = [1] * self.volume.ndim elif isinstance(downsampling_ratio, int): self.downsampling_ratio = [downsampling_ratio] * self.volume.ndim elif isinstance(downsampling_ratio, (list, tuple)): assert len(downsampling_ratio) == self.volume.ndim self.downsampling_ratio = list(downsampling_ratio) else: raise NotImplementedError if padding is None: self.padding = [[0, 0]] * self.volume.ndim else: self.padding = padding self.pad_volume() self.base_sequence = self.make_sliding_windows()
[docs] def pad_volume(self, padding=None): padding = self.padding if padding is None else padding if padding is None: return self.volume else: self.volume = np.pad(self.volume, pad_width=self.padding, mode=self.padding_mode) return self.volume
[docs] def make_sliding_windows(self): return list(vu.slidingwindowslices(shape=list(self.volume.shape), window_size=self.window_size, strides=self.stride, shuffle=self.shuffle, add_overhanging=True))
def __getitem__(self, index): # Casting to int would allow index to be IndexSpec objects. index = int(index) slices = self.base_sequence[index] sliced_volume = self.volume[tuple(slices)] if self.transforms is None: transformed = sliced_volume else: transformed = self.transforms(sliced_volume) if self.return_index_spec: return transformed, IndexSpec(index=index, base_sequence_at_index=slices) else: return transformed
[docs] def clone(self, volume=None, transforms=None, name=None): # Make sure the volume shapes check out assert volume.shape == self.volume.shape # Make a new instance (without initializing) new = type(self).__new__(type(self)) # Update dictionary to initialize new_dict = dict(self.__dict__) if volume is not None: new_dict.update({'volume': volume}) if transforms is not None: new_dict.update({'transforms': transforms}) if name is not None: new_dict.update({'name': name}) new.__dict__.update(new_dict) return new
def __repr__(self): return "{}(shape={}, name={})".format(type(self).__name__, self.volume.shape,
[docs]class HDF5VolumeLoader(VolumeLoader): def __init__(self, path, path_in_h5_dataset=None, data_slice=None, transforms=None, name=None, **slicing_config): if isinstance(path, dict): assert name is not None assert name in path self.path = path.get(name) elif isinstance(path, str): assert os.path.exists(path) self.path = path else: raise NotImplementedError if isinstance(path_in_h5_dataset, dict): assert name is not None assert name in path_in_h5_dataset self.path_in_h5_dataset = path_in_h5_dataset.get(name) elif isinstance(path_in_h5_dataset, str): self.path_in_h5_dataset = path_in_h5_dataset elif path_in_h5_dataset is None: self.path_in_h5_dataset = None else: raise NotImplementedError if data_slice is None or isinstance(data_slice, (str, list)): self.data_slice = vu.parse_data_slice(data_slice) elif isinstance(data_slice, dict): assert name is not None assert name in data_slice self.data_slice = vu.parse_data_slice(data_slice.get(name)) else: raise NotImplementedError slicing_config_for_name = pyu.get_config_for_name(slicing_config, name) assert 'window_size' in slicing_config_for_name assert 'stride' in slicing_config_for_name # Read in volume from file volume = iou.fromh5(self.path, self.path_in_h5_dataset, dataslice=(tuple(self.data_slice) if self.data_slice is not None else None)) # Initialize superclass with the volume super(HDF5VolumeLoader, self).__init__(volume=volume, name=name, transforms=transforms, **slicing_config_for_name)
[docs]class TIFVolumeLoader(VolumeLoader): """Loader for volumes stored in .tif files.""" def __init__(self, path, data_slice=None, transforms=None, name=None, **slicing_config): """ Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the volume. transforms : callable Transforms to apply on the read volume. slicing_config : dict Dictionary specifying the sliding window. Must contain keys 'window_size' and 'stride'. """ if isinstance(path, dict): assert name in path.keys() assert os.path.exists(path.get(name)) self.path = path.get(name) elif isinstance(path, str): assert os.path.exists(path) self.path = path else: raise NotImplementedError assert 'window_size' in slicing_config assert 'stride' in slicing_config if data_slice is None or isinstance(data_slice, (str, list)): self.data_slice = vu.parse_data_slice(data_slice) elif isinstance(data_slice, dict): assert name is not None assert name in data_slice self.data_slice = vu.parse_data_slice(data_slice.get(name)) else: raise NotImplementedError # Read in volume from file volume = # and slice it volume = volume[self.data_slice] if self.data_slice is not None else volume # Initialize superclass with the volume super(TIFVolumeLoader, self).__init__(volume=volume, transforms=transforms, **slicing_config)