Source code for

import random
import itertools as it

[docs]def slidingwindowslices(shape, window_size, strides, ds=1, shuffle=True, rngseed=None, dataslice=None, add_overhanging=True): # only support lists or tuples for shape, window_size and strides assert isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)) assert isinstance(window_size, (list, tuple)) assert isinstance(strides, (list, tuple)) dim = len(shape) assert len(window_size) == dim assert len(strides) == dim # check for downsampling assert isinstance(ds, (list, tuple, int)) if isinstance(ds, int): ds = [ds] * dim assert len(ds) == dim # Seed RNG if a seed is provided if rngseed is not None: random.seed(rngseed) # sliding windows in one dimenstion def dimension_window(start, stop, wsize, stride, dimsize, ds_dim): starts = range(start, stop + 1, stride) slices = [slice(st, st + wsize, ds_dim) for st in starts if st + wsize <= dimsize] # add an overhanging window at the end if the windoes # do not fit and `add_overhanging` if slices[-1].stop != dimsize and add_overhanging: slices.append(slice(dimsize - wsize, dimsize, ds_dim)) if shuffle: random.shuffle(slices) return slices # determine adjusted start and stop coordinates if we have a dataslice # otherwise predict the whole volume if dataslice is not None: assert len(dataslice) == dim, "Dataslice must be a tuple with len = data dimension." starts = [sl.start for sl in dataslice] stops = [sl.stop - wsize for sl, wsize in zip(dataslice, window_size)] else: starts = dim * [0] stops = [dimsize - wsize for dimsize, wsize in zip(shape, window_size)] nslices = [dimension_window(start, stop, wsize, stride, dimsize, ds_dim) for start, stop, wsize, stride, dimsize, ds_dim in zip(starts, stops, window_size, strides, shape, ds)] return it.product(*nslices)
# This code is legacy af, don't judge # Define a sliding window iterator (this time, more readable than a wannabe one-liner)
[docs]def slidingwindowslices_depr(shape, nhoodsize, stride=1, ds=1, window=None, ignoreborder=True, shuffle=True, rngseed=None, startmins=None, startmaxs=None, dataslice=None): """ Returns a generator yielding (shuffled) sliding window slice objects. :type shape: int or list of int :param shape: Shape of the input data :type nhoodsize: int or list of int :param nhoodsize: Window size of the sliding window. :type stride: int or list of int :param stride: Stride of the sliding window. :type shuffle: bool :param shuffle: Whether to shuffle the iterator. """ # Determine dimensionality of the data datadim = len(shape) # Parse window if window is None: window = ['x'] * datadim else: assert len(window) == datadim, \ "Window must have the same length as the number of data dimensions." # Parse nhoodsize and stride nhoodsize = [nhoodsize, ] * datadim if isinstance(nhoodsize, int) else nhoodsize stride = [stride, ] * datadim if isinstance(stride, int) else stride ds = [ds, ] * datadim if isinstance(ds, int) else ds # Seed RNG if a seed is provided if rngseed is not None: random.seed(rngseed) # Define a function that gets a 1D slice def _1Dwindow(startmin, startmax, nhoodsize, stride, ds, seqsize, shuffle): starts = range(startmin, startmax + 1, stride) if ignoreborder: slices = [slice(st, st + nhoodsize, ds) for st in starts if st + nhoodsize <= seqsize] else: slices = [slice(st, ((st + nhoodsize) if st + nhoodsize <= seqsize else None), ds) for st in starts] if shuffle: random.shuffle(slices) return slices # Get window start limits if dataslice is None: startmins = [0, ] * datadim if startmins is None else startmins startmaxs = [shp - nhoodsiz for shp, nhoodsiz in zip(shape, nhoodsize)] \ if startmaxs is None else startmaxs else: assert len(dataslice) == datadim, \ "Dataslice must be a tuple with len = data dimension." startmins = [sl.start for sl in dataslice] startmaxs = [sl.stop - nhoodsiz for sl, nhoodsiz in zip(dataslice, nhoodsize)] def _to_list(x): if not isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return list(x) else: return x # The final iterator is going to be a cartesian product of the lists in nslices nslices = [_1Dwindow(startmin, startmax, nhoodsiz, st, dsample, datalen, shuffle) if windowspec == 'x' else [slice(ws, ws + 1) for ws in _to_list(windowspec)] for startmin, startmax, datalen, nhoodsiz, st, windowspec, dsample in zip(startmins, startmaxs, shape, nhoodsize, stride, window, ds)] return it.product(*nslices)
[docs]def parse_data_slice(data_slice): """Parse a dataslice as a list of slice objects.""" if data_slice is None: return data_slice elif isinstance(data_slice, (list, tuple)) and \ all([isinstance(_slice, slice) for _slice in data_slice]): return list(data_slice) else: assert isinstance(data_slice, str) # Get rid of whitespace data_slice = data_slice.replace(' ', '') # Split by commas dim_slices = data_slice.split(',') # Build slice objects slices = [] for dim_slice in dim_slices: indices = dim_slice.split(':') if len(indices) == 2: start, stop, step = indices[0], indices[1], None elif len(indices) == 3: start, stop, step = indices else: raise RuntimeError # Convert to ints start = int(start) if start != '' else None stop = int(stop) if stop != '' else None step = int(step) if step is not None and step != '' else None # Build slices slices.append(slice(start, stop, step)) # Done. return slices